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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Which cranial nerves are found in the Midbrain (Mesencephalon)?

A, Optic nerve
B, Oculomotor nerve
C, Trochlear nerve
D, Abducens nerve

More details about midbrain:

- Embryologically midbrain arises from second vesicles known as mesencephalon of the neural tube
- It is located below the cerebral cortex and above the hindbrain
- It is the smallest and most superior part of brainstem.
- It measures only 1.5 cm.
- It is divided anterior and posterior section by the Aqueduct of Sylvious ( Connects 3rd and 4rth Ventricles)
- It comprises:
        a) Tectum ( Corpora Quaqrigemina )
        b) Tegmentum
        c) Substantia nigra ( Associated with motor system pathways of the basal ganglia )
        d) Cerebral peduncles
        e) Cranial nerves

  • Oculomotor nerve responsible for Eye movements and Pupil constriction (Parasympathetic activity).
  • Trochlear nerve comes out from the posterior surface of the midrain just below the inferior colliculus.


Mnemonics: Structures of the midbrain involves visualizing the mesencephalic cross-section as an upside down bear face:-
"The two red nuclei are the eyes of the bear and the cerebellar peduncles are the ears".



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