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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Calcium Channel Blockers

Rate limiting calcium channel blockers ( Slow CCB )

A, Dihydropyridine (Lipophilic): These are the most potent calcium channel blockers

  • Nifedipine

  • Amlodipine

  • Nimodipine

  • Nitrendipine

  • Felodipine

B, Phenylalkylamine (Hydrophilic )

  • Verapamil

C, Benzothiazepine

  • Diltiazem

Mechanism of Action:

1, Smooth Muscle:

  • CCB work by blocking Voltage-gated Calcium channels in blood vessels

  • This leads to decreases intracellular Ca+ influx resulting in muscle contraction also decreased. 

  • Decreased vascular smooth muscle contraction resulting in increased arterial vascular diameter.

  • CCB markedly dilate arterial smooth muscle but have a mild effect venous smooth muscle.

  • If vasodilation then decrease peripheral vascular resistance..

  • CCB are effective against large vessels stiffness which occurs usually in elder patients where there is increased Sytolic BP

2, Heart:

  • CCB blocks Voltage-gated Calcium channels which results in decrease cardiac contractlity.

  • Decreases in cardiac contractility leads to decreases in cardiac output.

  • The 0 phase depolarization in SA and AV nodes is largely Ca+ mediated.

  • Verapamil and diltiazem slows sinus rate and AV conduction due to delayed membrane depolarization. This leads to depression of pacemaker and conduction activity i.e. positive chronotropic and dromotropic action.

  • Nifedipine doesn't cause delayed membrane depolarization hence it do not decrease SA and AV conduction that is no negative chronotropic and dromotropic action.

-Dihydropyridine are more selective for smooth vascular muscle and negligible -ve inotropic action.
-Diltiazem causes less depression of contractility than verapamil.

CO= Cardiac Output
PVR= Peripheral Vascular Resistance
        BP= CO x PVR
If there is Decreased CO and Decreased PVR= Decrease BP.



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